Pyrethrum value chain training

Twenty pyrethrum farmers are undergoing a three-day training program on the pyrethrum value chain, in a bid to increase pyrethrum production in the County.
The farmers who are drawn from various pyrethrum growing areas in the County will then train other farmers in their home areas to ensure more of them venture into the pyrethrum growing business.
This is part of Governor Lee Kinyanjui’s manifesto that strives to revive the once lucrative pyrethrum sector.
Speaking during the opening of the workshop, Agriculture Chief Officer Mr. Kibet Maina urged farmers to conduct pyrethrum growing as a business as opposed to an insignificant source of income.
Currently, the County boast of over 2,000 acres of pyrethrum. So far, over Ksh 20 million has been injected into the sector with farmers receiving over 8.3 million pyrethrum seedlings.
Last week, about 30 ward agricultural officers, from pyrethrum growing sub counties, underwent a training on entrepreneurial skills, where they’ll be trainers of trainers to farmers in their wards.
The County Government is also working with KALRO and other partners to help bridge gaps in the sector through research and new technologies.
  • Category : Training
  • Date : March 20, 2021